Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So many decisions

I have to start making decisions regarding my upcoming travel plans. Soon. Last time was easy. Itchy's best friend was getting married. Itchy was in the wedding. He had to be there. I wanted to be there. They set the date, I booked the flight. Done and done.

Thing is I have only one more trip back to the States before leaving the island once and for all. It's all I can afford, with the not working and what not. There are no weddings this time. No dates set. No flights booked. There has been talk of a baptism but no date has been set. I have been told that a date could be set with regard to my travel plans. I have several dates in mind. There are pros and cons to every one of them. Let's discuss them here.

Let's start with an early summer visit (thinking end of June/early July):
Pros: nieces are on summer vacation; I'd get to spend time with them; it's not cold; stores are selling summery clothes-which I need down here, there's still a year left; if I am lucky, someone may take me camping; if not, I can camp in the backyard; and it's not cold (counts twice).

Cons: Several dates are blacked out (Itchy and I have plans) making it difficult to find the right dates; people may be planning their own vacations and I don't want to get in the way but I don't want to be there if they will be out of town-what's the point if I don't get to see people; no football game with my dad (not set in stone anyway, but it would be really fun); and flights are expensive.

An October visit:
Pros: People are less likely to be on vacation; football game; summery clothes are on clearance; it's not a busy time of year; I love the fall; last time I was able to attend a couple of school programs with my nieces, that was really special for me, maybe it'd happen again; and cheaper flights.

Cons: Nieces are back in school so less time with them; summery clothes are on sale but less to choose from; and it's cold and getting colder.

A December visit:
Pros: Itchy's parents will probably be here so I'll need to be out of the apartment anyway; I'd be there for xmas; nieces are on xmas vacation so more time with them; and I could bring back some stuff we don't use often so we wouldn't have to ship everything back to the States in a few months.

Cons: Everyone is really busy because it's xmas; flights are more expensive; IT'S REALLY COLD and I am a wuss; leaving in December would mean that I spent 15 months on the island without leaving, I might go crazy; and it's really, really cold.

I know, I know. Shouldn't we all have problems as stressful as this. Don't worry I've got myself stressed out over "the big move" back. That's another post all together.

Any advice? Anything to add to the pros and cons? Anyone have major plans already set (like you'll be out of town for 2 weeks in June)? No need for your answer if I don't know you (no offense meant to the lurking readers- I know you're there because I use site meter). Feel free to use the comments section or email me directly.

ETA: I know December seems obvious because of Itchy's parents (I owe you a post about that). I already have another place to stay. I can bring all things girly with me.

ETAA: If you want to attach your name to your comments in the comment section, click on comment (at the bottom of the post), type your comment in the box, select Name/URL and type your name there (no need for a URL), click on Publish your comments and you're done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never make that big of plans and have no money to be out of town. Would like to go camping this summer. As far as baptism...that is up in the air. What does the warden have to say?