Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Are you American Indian?

Today is Wednesday. Otherwise known as Meat Day. You know, the day we buy meat. Out of the back of a van. In a parking lot. Ghetto? Um, could it get any more ghetto?

Let me explain, we'll focus on red meat this time. The meat at the grocery store is nasty. All of the meat is frozen, thawed, and then refrozen. Multiple times. It looks gross, not that raw meat looks tasty anyway. It smells. Frozen meat should not smell. Obviously, we do not purchase meat from the grocery store. I do not like food borne illnesses.

Itchy's school knows that meat at the grocery store is gross. They don't want to buy it either. They made arrangements with a local butcher. He brings freshly butchered beef to campus almost every Wednesday. In his van.

I went with Itchy to purchase meat today. We wanted steaks. Itchy knows nothing about steaks except that he likes to eat them. I don't know much, but let's face it, I learned how to judge sides of beef so I have some experience. As I was looking at the cooler full of steaks in the back of the van, the meat guy asks me if I am American Indian. I say no, not to my knowledge. He says that I look like an American Indian.

What about me looks Native American? Is it the hair? It's long and dark but has blondish highlights right now. I am a bit tan right now (going to the beach every weekend will do that), but I still look very white. Especially standing next to Itchy. I was in high school when the Disney movie Pocahontas came out. I had waist length dark hair at the time. Guess what I was nicknamed? Guess what song people sang in the hallways when I walked by? I can still hear "just around the river bend" in my sleep.

We did get some pretty good steaks though. I think I'll grill them next week.

ETA: Itchy and I don't really like red meat. We'd prefer to get ground turkey but you can't buy that here. We really don't eat red meat that often. Also, I am not offended by the Native American thing, but it makes me wonder why it happens so often.

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