Thursday, March 6, 2008


Do you watch "The Simpsons"? Do you remember "El Barto"? If you don't watch the show/can't remember, El Barto is a running joke in the show. Bart would tag everything. Since he couldn't use his name (he'd get in trouble for the graffiti) he used "El Barto". It seems that no one ever caught on either. Watch a few old episodes and you'll see it.

Anyway, here on the island we have our very own tag-er. He likes to write, spray paint, and carve his name everywhere. This guy gets around too. It's everywhere. We've even seen it on the neighboring island. I think it took him a while to get it *just right*. Some of the tags are a little different than the others. The one I've seen the most is L, Y, backwards R, A, backwards D. I'll try to add a picture tomorrow.

It's annoying, but at the same time it makes me laugh. I wonder if Lyrad ever watches "The Simpsons"?

ETA: I also wonder if his name is really Lyrad. Were his parents trying to be clever? Daryl wasn't original enough so they spelled it backwards? Or does Daryl think that no one will notice that Lyrad is Daryl backwards? He might just get that super genius award after all!

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