Sunday, March 30, 2008

I need to go to the gym

Yesterday I found out that I am completely out of shape. I knew the gym wasn't working (skipping for a week *may* have a little to do with this). I'm going to be searching for a new and improved workout to start on Tuesday. I think it may involve running. Can it get any worse? No. No it can not.

Itchy and I went on our first ever Hash yesterday. That's how I made my discovery. It was fun but I wasn't sure I was going to make it. That first hill was brutal. I think we'll probably do it again.

A hash, for those who aren't familiar, is a fun run/walk. The island has a Hash House Harriers group which is a drinking club for people with a running problem. Yep, you run or walk (we walked) the trail that they have set and then, upon completion, you drink. Good times had by all.

This trail was not the easiest (some are easier than others, so we've been told). It was also not the cleanest. At the beginning of the trail we had to cross the mud flats. The stinky, stinky mud flats. With the flies. There were millions of flies. I'm not sure how to describe the mud flats. It feels like you are walking on a sponge (or a bog if you've ever done that). There are parts that are more stable than others. Then there are parts that you just sink knee deep in mud. And lose your shoe. Or lose your balance and go face first into the awful smelling mud. We had the choice to cross over the middle or take the rocks along the side and then make a 4 foot jump across. Itchy and I took the rocks. I made it out fairly clean but Itchy ended up knee deep in mud. We all smelled like shit for the remainder of the walk.

After the mud we had to walk up a hill. This is when I thought I'd die. It was steep. We were walking fast to catch up with the group. I just couldn't catch my breath. Terrible. Thus the need for a new workout. Once we caught up with the group, slowed down a bit, I was able to catch my breath and have fun. It was fun. We didn't finish dead last either!

After the walk we had the drinking. Everyone gathers at the end of trail for beer and burgers. There's soda (but no water!) for those who don't want beer and the kiddies. Yes, kids are welcome to do the trail as well. Then they have the Virgin initiation (first time Hashers) and the awards ceremonies. It seems as though the virgin initiation is suppose to be hush hush, so I won't go into the details but there is beer chugging involved.

I forgot the camera so I didn't take any pictures but the Hash House Harriers have a website with some pictures posted. Not the greatest pictures, but if you want to see them here's a link.
The pics are really small and get fuzzy when made bigger. Itchy and our friends are in one of the pics. Take a look at the background picture.

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