Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pioneer days

Do you have these where you live? If you do, I bet it's way more fun than it is here. You probably have people that dress up, wagons, and old antiquey stuff. You know what we get? No electricity.

That's right. Just no power. We still have the tv, microwave, and fans but their existence is merely to mock us. Your Pioneer Days probably are only once a year. We have them every few days.

No, our Pioneer Days are not organized celebratory events. They are just power outages. I had to give them a fun name because 1.) it happens all the time and 2.)giving it a fun name makes it less annoying for me.

We had another Pioneer day today. This time the power went out just as we were leaving for the gym. Guess what? Yeah, the gym didn't have power either. Good times. Do you know how stupid you look when you walk in place on a treadmill that's not on? It's not cool.

So in addition to our lack of cooking gas, we had no electricity today. What a super fun day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you really use the treadmill when there was no power? LOL!