Sunday, February 17, 2008

Slacking already?

I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I really didn't. I thought I'd be able to write just a little everyday. I knew that eventually I would slack and take days off, but this soon? The laziness surprises me. Well, kind of. It's not that I didn't have anything to write about.

I found out last week that someone has stolen one of my ideas. I had this great idea. It was going to make me a ton of money. Someone apparently had the same idea. The difference between me and this Someone is that Someone has money and I don't. Someone is in America where you can actually get things moving, I'm on an island with no one who could have helped me. Well, good for you Someone. Way to go. It's a great idea. I'll probably even buy them from you. In 2 years, when I have money. I guess for now I'll just focus on my other great ideas. I've already sent out an email about one of them.

I went to an auction on Friday night. That was fun. It was for the 7th semester students to raise money for their "We're finally leaving the island" party. Itchy and I couldn't afford anything. Well, maybe one of the drawings in the silent auction or the guitar lessons, but we didn't want either. We did win a door prize though. Nothing too great, but Itchy loved the Subway gift card (yep, we have a Subway and a KFC on the island). I thought some of the other items in the basket were really funny, but I must be a perv because Itchy didn't see it the way I did. I know what people use a "personal massager" for. Add in the bottle of lotion and the candle, and well it made me laugh.

Of course we had football today too. Itchy's team is undefeated this season and I believe they clinched a playoff spot. I was so proud today, Itchy caught a touchdown pass. Not like this hasn't happened before, but he was playing really well today. I offered to make pancakes for him, but he declined. I didn't even complain that much about helping set up.

Sorry about the slacking. I should feel bad about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...