Sunday, February 10, 2008

Busy day

Well, busy for me. Probably not busy by most people's standards.

Itchy is the commissioner of the flag football league. It means that he has to set up and take down the field (measuring, setting up cones, picking up the cones after the game, etc) for every game. They play every Sunday. He can not do this alone. I, by default, have to help. I do not like helping.

Setting up the field should be easy. It is not. The lines have to be straight. All 100 feet of the tape measure gets tangled. The wind knocks everything over. Itchy forgets how to do this EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Then I get annoyed with him.

Not to mention that this requires me to get up at a specified time. No it is not that early. That's not the point. I don't like waking up to an alarm (or Itchy telling me I have to get up NOW). Unemployment has spoiled me.

It's a good thing that I like to watch the games.

After football, I made pancakes. It's a tradition. If Itchy's team wins their game, I make pancakes (not for the whole team).

Then I had to watch the rest of the Band of Brothers series. I watched the first 5 yesterday so I had to watch the last 5 today. Great series.

Umm, after that I made dinner. And I did the dishes.

Since then I've been sitting around feeding my internet addiction.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you should head home and help old people (like your mother) with jobs!!!! Be nice to itchy! Moonshine has an internet addiction now too!! Diaper butt!! Yes she is still in diapers!! Panty princess is her name for when she is potty trained. Something to talk about in your blog....which looks like no one really is on there much know who this is!!!

Anonymous said...

Zoo mom says hi! she told me to type the first two lines.