Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hey Itchy!

Yeah, I'm calling you out. I know you read this once and a while. You complain that the LOL Cat picture in my previous post isn't funny or appropriate enough and that you could have found a better one. Really? This coming from a guy who can't even pull off a simple joke.

So where is it? Huh? I know you don't actually do much at school, so where is it? Did you email it to me at my broken email account? I mean, if you listened to me at all you'd know that that account is broken.

I'm waiting.


Anonymous said...

Wow, he complained about that? I thought it was hilarious!

Lori said...

I know! He complains too much. I told him to start using the comment section here, because I don't want to "hear" it.