Is there a full moon this weekend? Nope, I just checked. But man oh man are the crazies out in full force.
This past week we've had a new weirdo in the neighborhood. He'll be in fine company with Stick Guy and One Leg. I've been calling him Broom. I agree it's not very creative but he didn't give me much to work with. He's very blah, the kind of person you couldn't pick out of a crowd. Except for his broom. He's had it with him every time I've seen him. And every time I've seen him he has been yelling at my car.
Broom walks up to the car, yells at the car for a few moments, and then walks away. I don't understand what the hell he is saying. He hasn't hit the car with his broom. He doesn't yell at the other cars in our driveway. There's no pattern as to when he shows up. The first time was at night, the next time was in the morning, and today it happened in the afternoon. He seems pretty harmless. I kinda like him. It seems as though he hates that car as much as I do.
I've had little interaction with Broom. I mean, would walk out to see why someone was yelling at your car? Yeah, I don't. But today I was already outside. I was digging in the trunk for some oil (the car leaks oil-big surprise right? so we keep extra in the trunk and add it when needed). He came up and started yelling. Yeah, I was startled. Totally jumped. Apparently, he didn't notice that the trunk and the hood were open or that I was standing out there. Or he just didn't care. Either way, when I appeared from the back of the car he got scared. He took off running. I didn't even say anything to him.
As if that isn't enough crazy for the week, I've had the lovely Survey Lady come back today. She was here about 2 weeks ago and wanted me to participate in a community health survey. Normally, I would take the survey. I have lots of opinions and love to share them. But she was rude and she wanted to come in. No thanks. If you want my opinion you should be polite, not ask to come in, and I'd really prefer that you just put the survey online and let me take it on my own time. Anyway, she walked up to the door (we have a screen door) and pressed her face to the screen. I was in the kitchen and saw her so I asked her if I could help her. She didn't answer. I walked over to the door and asked again. She asked if I wanted to participate. I said no. She stood there, silent, making it pretty clear that she wanted a reason. I walked away from the door. Then she raised her voice and demanded to know why. I told her I was busy. She asked if anyone else was home (Itchy was, but he was in the other room studying). I said no. Then she had to nerve to ask if she could come in (umm, WHO lets you in to their house?). I told her that I was not going to take part in her survey. She tried to make me feel guilty by saying that "it's really difficult to complete the surveys if people won't participate". Yeah, I suppose it would be. Given that participation is key to a survey. Too bad. Not letting a stranger into my house. Kthxbai!
Well, Survey Lady came back. About an hour ago. Fool. I have no idea how long she was standing at the door though. She didn't knock. She just stood there. I think she might be afraid of the cats because they were both at the door and she was standing pretty far back. Anyway, once she saw that I noticed her she asked me to take her survey. Nope. She again tried to explain that it was a community health survey and they need people to participate. I told her I was busy (it's true, I'm working on a new header for the blog). She said it would only take a few minutes. I said no thanks. Then she TRIED TO OPEN MY DOOR!
This got my attention. I was immediately out of my chair and at the door. The door was latched so she couldn't get it open. I told her I would not be taking her survey and that she needed to leave. I shut the other door and locked it. I'm pretty sure she left. I'm not opening the door to find out. Honestly, I think the survey is probably over. I mean, they were stopping traffic on the main road two weeks ago to get people to comply. They have to be done with it by now. This lady is totally a weirdo.
So that was my interaction with the crazies. No other crazy folk need to stop by, I'm all stocked up on crazy. Two in one day has exceeded my limits. I only have tolerance for one a month. I should be good until June.
On a completely different subject, I am irritated with the grocery store. Why do they only have WHOLE milk? And only gallons of it. Where is the skim? Don't you realize that I don't want to cook? The plan was to eat lots of cereal. I need milk for this plan. Preferably skim milk. I'd even take 1%. But whole milk? A gallon of whole milk? Who drinks that? Thanks for ruining the plan IGA. Thanks a lot.