Tuesday, April 8, 2008


It's about 3:30 am. I'm wide awake. I was sleeping quite soundly just a few hours ago. This is a great reminder that we need to buy Tylenol PM. I'm blaming Itchy. It's his fault.

Itchy went out to dinner this evening. I didn't get to go with because it was school/potential job related and they had a limited guest list (really only for 6th and 7th semester students). Whatever. I didn't really care. While Itchy was there he was invited to go out to a bar afterwards to watch basketball. It was the NCAA tournament final. Of course, Itchy wanted to go. I didn't. I didn't care to watch more basketball. I would have had to change into clothes suitable for leaving the house and I would have had to do something with my hair (I looked like shit today). No thanks. I told Itchy to go. He said he'd be home at midnight.

Well, I went to be at 12:15 and he wasn't home. I fell asleep pretty quickly. I woke up (just a little, not enough to carry on a conversation) at 1:15 to the sound of Itchy unlocking the door. What the hell? I don't even get a text that he'll be late? I know he doesn't have minutes on his phone, but there was no one there that would have let him borrow their phone? I don't buy it. Itchy takes a shower. This wakes me up even more. Itchy then comes over to tell me that he needs to go eat and he'll be in bed in ten minutes. My phone starts beeping because the battery is dead. I get up to shut the damn thing off. Now I am wide awake. I try to go back to sleep. Not working, because the living-room lights are keeping me up. At 2:40 Itchy finally comes to bed. Ten minutes my ass. It all went down hill after that. He was laying ON the blanket which made me feel trapped UNDER the blanket. I can't sleep like that. I had to get up.

Have you ever been at the point where you are just so tired that you can't fall asleep? I'm there now. I'd turn the tv on but Itchy is sleeping and he has school in the morning so I don't want to wake him up (I know, I'm being way to considerate). This sucks.

ETA: I'm not mad at Itchy. Really. It just pisses me off when he isn't considerate enough to call when he's going to be late.

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