Friday, April 11, 2008

Limited internet access

My computer time is going to be very limited over the next week or so. Itchy has finals and needs it to study. The blog may not get updated very often. I'll probably go through some internet withdrawals.

We've got to make a grocery run today. Both stores. Ugh. We still don't have the stove/oven problem resolved. I'm going to go ahead and guess that it won't be fixed until May. I'm totally out of meal ideas. It seems like we've been eating the same stuff all the time. We've also been spending more on food since we've been forced to eat more convenience type foods. Honestly, I don't like to cook. Before we moved here I hardly ever cooked. It was all convenience food. And some fast food. We also ate out a lot. Now, I cook everyday. I totally prefer the homemade food. It's a pain in the ass, but it's just tastes better (for the most part, sometimes my experimentation goes badly). I'm so sick of microwaved food.

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