Monday, April 28, 2008

Why do Mondays suck?

Blah. Today totally tasted like a Monday. It's weird that even with no job/school/etc I still hate Mondays. Itchy's not back from vacation yet either so I really shouldn't have a concept of what day it is. But I do. And today was definitely a Monday.

I've had this wicked pain in my left temple ALL day. I woke up too early after going to bed too late. I tried to nap but the pain prevented that. I seem to be extra sensitive to everything today. Noises seem louder, smells seem stronger, etc. I've changed my shirt 3 times today. Nothing seemed to 'fit' today. Just irritating.

The people across the street got a new car alarm. It's gone off over a dozen times today. Good thing it's really loud. I wonder if Broom is over there...

The cats are behaving strangely too. Cuddles is acting very needy. He NEEDS to sit in my lap. Nothing else is acceptable today. He's there right now. Making it difficult to type.

Patches is lethargic. More than her usual laziness. She's not even begging for food. I don't think she's left the couch in a few hours. Not even when our local stray cat, Brown Tabby, came over looking for food.

I'm going to go ahead and blame it on Monday.

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