Saturday, April 5, 2008

Online prizes

Do you ever sign up to win things on the internet? For example, you go to do some online window shopping and the store has a promotion to win a free trip, do you register to win?

I usually do. I love free stuff. I think I would like to win things. I can't really remember the last time I won something, so I can't say for sure that I like to win things. Since I spend a lot of time online I seem to find a lot of giveaways. I imagine that this increases the amount of junk mail that I receive. Well, given that my permanent address is actually my mom's house, I guess it increases her level of junk mail. But let's face it, not all junk mail is bad. Catalogs are fun to look at and magazines can an amusing read. Bills are icky. Who would only want to get bills? I'd prefer an Ikea catalog anytime.

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