Thursday, May 15, 2008

Holy Neglectareno!

Ok, I don't know how to spell neglectareno. Just sound it out folks, just sound it out. I've been neglecting the blog. I've got things I want to write about and things I've already written (saved, but not published) that are waiting for final touches. What? Final touches? Yes, people I actually do edit most of this stuff. Sometimes, not always.

Just watching The Office right now... Sorry, I'm typing at commercial breaks. This show is my favorite. I love it. One of the Best Shows Ever. Did NOT see that coming. Holy crap.

Random thought here, hoping someone has an answer. You know that "joke" that starts with Why did the chicken cross the road? The punchline is different every time but it's never really funny. I was at the gym today and watched a chicken and a chick cross the road (a very busy one, it's was actually the Main Road) and it got me thinking. Where did that joke originate? Was there an actual punchline that was funny? Did some former president have a pet chicken and the country made a joke about it? Is it because of someplace like KFC? The chicken crossed the
road to get away from the Colonel? I just don't really see the appeal of the joke. And everyone has heard some version of it. So what are your thoughts?

Enough of that. Football starts on Sunday. Itchy got me a team shirt. It has his name on the back. Since he's my favorite player on the team. Really in the league. This should be Itchy's last semester as commissioner. I have my doubts though. I can see him wanting to do it next semester as well.

I've also recommitted to the whole losing weight/working out crap. We just renewed our memberships, so I think that's why. Whatever. I looked up a new workout. This is will be in addition to the "trying to run" program. We've also eliminated our nightly desserts. We got into this habit of eating dessert almost everyday. Nothing fancy, just stuff like rice crispie bars or brownies. But that's done. No more. Itchy was all ready to cut out cheese as well. No way Mister. I told him that if we cut out cheese, we would be cutting out all dairy and red meat. I mean, if he wants to be drastic, let's be really drastic.

I've got a game in mind for next week, but it'll require you lazy bastards to post comments. I'm not sure if we'll play or not.

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