Sunday, May 18, 2008

Famous People

Itchy and I spent the afternoon at the beach. I did *not* get sunburned. New sunscreen +hat +t-shirt = no sunburn. So that was a nice change. Itchy had perhaps one or two too many drinks. He fell asleep at 8 pm (just after we got home). I had to stay up and do laundry (it's nearly 1 am now). Boo to laundry. There were many, many people at the beach. It was a school event (fund raising for a scuba/diving club) so it was mostly students. A few tourists to stare at us (our island lifestyle is different-we have much lower standards) and a few locals to laugh at us.

At one point, a catamaran pulled up to the beach. Word spread quickly. Eli Manning was on that boat. His older, funnier, and more talented brother Payton may have also been on the boat. We were close enough to it to see people. I totally saw Eli. That's pretty damn cool. I mean, I hate the Giants, but it's still fun. They left when a crowd formed. They did come back and get off the boat a few hours later though. We were leaving so we didn't go try to meet him or anything. Really though, the guy is on vacation. He should be able to relax without people bugging him. We probably would have left him alone anyway.

He's not my first famous person. I once ran into Tori Amos. Literally. I was late for my Geology class. I was running to get there on time (I actually *loved* that class) and she was performing on campus (later that day, not actually performing when I ran into her). I took a shortcut and ran.right.into.her. Oops. I almost knocked her over. I apologized, she laughed it off, and I continued to run to class. Once I got into class I realized who I had just run into. I wasn't a huge fan or anything, but it's still a funny story. I've also seen Justin Timberlake in an airport. Not a great story though. He was walking. I was sitting. He walked by, people stared, and then I realized who he was. I'm not a fan so I didn't really care. Of course, living in a city (before the island) with all sorts of professional sports teams, I've seen a few of them but couldn't tell you who they were. Just that they were famous. So no big name players. There may have been others. I'm not the type to *recognize* people. What are your famous people stories?

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