Tuesday, May 27, 2008

As the world turns

I feel like I've been busy. I haven't. But it certainly feels that way. I think it's because I'm going to the gym more, football season started up again, and that I am cooking real meals again.

Going to the gym takes up a lot of time. It is not just the hour and a half that we are AT the gym. It's the 20 minutes to get ready, the 10 minutes to drive there and back, and the showering/redressing afterwards. Not to mention the time it takes to do all of the laundry that going to the gym produces.

Football may only be on Sundays but man, it feels like it takes up the whole day. We have to get there early to set up, we stay for all the games, and then I pick up garbage after the games. I still can't believe that people leave behind that much stuff. I fill 2 or 3 garbage bags every week with water bottles. Water bottles that were not there when we got there. We set up the fields. I tend to notice the garbage laying around when we set up. There isn't much. I mean, locals use that field and they do leave behind their share of water bottles and shoes (or parts of shoes). It irritates me that people leave behind that much stuff. I pick it up every week because it's the right thing to do. Sorry about the tangent. Anyway, once we get home we shower and eat. Then it's time to update the football website.

It was Itchy's idea to start a website. I started a blog for him to give him ideas. It's not what he wanted but he's using it. I've done most of the design aspects. It feels like I've been cheating on this blog. Sorry blog.

The cooking thing has taken up a lot of time. I plan all of our meals. I have a 4 week rotation with foods the we like, can get ingredients for, and can afford to eat on a regular basis (obviously, things like steak and lobster are not on this rotation). It takes a lot of time. Once it's done I'm glad I did it but during the process it just seems like a giant pain in the ass. The actual cooking is no problem. Sure it takes longer than the 'already prepared' meals we had been eating (during the 6 weeks we had no cooking gas) but I think it's worth it. But it does take more time. And it creates more dishes. Which I have to wash. Which takes more time away from making seashell necklaces.

On a more fun note, I've got the camera back so I can get some of the pictures I need for future posts. Just have to quit being lazy and get the pictures taken.

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