Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's a.....

Cuddles and Patches are very happy to announce that they are going to have a little sister! Cuddles is really hoping that this little sister will like to play more than the first little sister we gave him (Patches is more a sleep all day kind of girl). Patches has never had a little sister but she hopes that the baby will like to drop food for her.

The ultrasound seemed to go pretty well. Of course, the tech can't really tell you anything. A doctor has to review it, but the tech found all the necessary parts. So at the very least Stowaway has the right parts (maybe-I'll get to that later).

I found it a little disturbing that Stowaway so closely resembled Skeletor. The tech said that all babies look like that at this stage. She promised that the baby would get cuter before she is born. I'm going to be pissed if she lied to me.

I got to see little hands and feet (although, the feet didn't look so little) and the tech pointed things like the kidneys and stomach to me (like I could tell what the heck she was looking at). At one point the baby yawned. That was cute. She moved around a lot. The tech was trying to get a good look at the umbilical cord and every time she'd get it framed the baby would kick it.

The tech also gave me a couple photos to take home (they've had to cut back on printing these photos in an effort to save the county money, but she felt bad for me since I went alone). Now one of these is an ok picture. Nothing scary, just a little profile picture. It's posted below. There is another profile pic that is blurry. In that picture it totally looks like the baby has a hoof. I do not want a goat baby. And then, the tech printed out one pic that scares me. It's a picture of the baby's face as though she is looking at me. Freaking scary Skeletor is looking right at me. It's just creepy.

Here's a pic of Stowa* today from the outside:

I left my face out of the picture on purpose. You all just want to see the belly anyway.

Here's Stowaway on the inside:

I've called all the immediate family. Well, except Itchy's brothers. He can call and tell them. But I'm guessing that they already know. Itchy's mom probably called them already. She is very excited. She squealed when I told her it was a girl. She said that she "finally got my girl". She seems to think that she is the one that gets to pick the name. She said "you can guys can think of some names and I'll think of some names. Then you'll tell me your names and I'll decide." Yeah. That isn't going to happen. Itchy already knows that he gets to deal with her. I think we're going to have our hands full with that one.

We've already got the name picked out. We're going to keep it a secret until the baby's born. My mom is pouting. She thinks she should be the first to know the name since she was the last to know about the gender. My sisters are annoyed by our decision. Itchy's mom is not going to handle this well. For now we can continue to call her Stowaway or Stowa for short.

We've also decided to go with a Cat Hair theme for the nursery (aka corner in the bedroom). It'll match everything in the apartment and it's definitely something that will grow with her. It'll also be able to get things to match since EVERYTHING will have cat hair on it. Patches and Cuddles are excited to help decorate!


Anonymous said...

You are like halfway through the pregnancy and you look like that?! You lucky bastard. I look worse than that now and I have zero children.

A's Mom said...

Seriously?? You're pregnant? I look like I'm carrying twins and I'm only 4 weeks ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding! You are not pregnant maybe bloated! I want a current picture posted.