Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

How was your 4th of July? Ours was pretty low key. Itchy had Friday off so we did a little shopping. Just a few things for the baby. Tiny little girly outfits. Most of them have kittens on them. Too cute.

We also went fishing on Friday. We drove to a small town about an hour away. We got zero fish. Not even a bite at the first lake. The second lake/river was more fun but still no fish. That $80 we spent of fishing licenses sure has paid off! There were a lot of cool birds/wildlife there though. I saw a Kingfisher swoop down and catch a fish. There was a Great Blue Heron that was having much more luck catching fish than us. I heard (didn't see them) several raccoons in the trees behind us. The coolest part was when a doe swam across the river.

The little town we were in was a total resort town. It reminded me a lot of the town in that movie The Great Outdoors. I totally want to go back. They had mini golf, go carts, an amusement park, etc. It looked like fun.

The crappy part of the weekend was that Itchy had volunteered us to dog sit. Even though I do not want a dog of my own, I usually like other people's dogs. These dogs were stupid though. Even dumber than the dogs we watched over Christmas break. We were warned that one of the dogs would need to be bribed with treats before we could really even get in the house. Fine. Whatever. Seriously though, it took almost an entire box of Milkbones before we could get past the entryway. Ridiculous. Even then the dumb dog was still lunging at me. Jack ass. The other dog was barking and skittish but at least she wasn't trying to lunge at me.

Jack ass dog would NOT go outside the entire time we were watching them. Instead he just shit and peed in the house. That was fun for Itchy to clean up. I would have but I'm pregnant. Ha ha. Itchy was worried about it staining their carpet. Umm, not our problem. I firmly believe that the day you buy a dog is the day you invest in a really great carpet cleaner. They go hand in hand. The dogs also chewed up a few dvd's and a book. Stupid, stupid dogs.

The rest of the weekend was spent at home. Itchy had homework to do. It rained almost all day Saturday. It stopped just in time for the fireworks though. We went to watch them since it's our first 4th of July back in the States. It was fun but definitely not the best display.

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