Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More fun at the Poor People Clinic

I had another fun filled appointment today. First of all, there were no preggos smoking by the door. Just one woman and her 2 week old baby.

The clinic was running behind. About an hour behind depending on which department you were going to. The prenatal appointments seemed to be about 20 minutes behind schedule. Since I was told to be there 15 minutes before my appointment, I got to enjoy the company of a crack head and an older judgmental lady for 35 minutes. Wonderful.

At least the crack head kept to himself. He mumbled a lot and was rocking back and forth but he wasn't trying to bother anyone.

Judgmental lady, on the other hand, was rude to everyone. I think she may have been doing some sort of social experiment. First she was pissed that there was no where to sit. You know, except the 5 or so empty chairs. Then she was flipping out because there were no magazines to read. She accused an old lady of stealing them. Her next experiment involved the Indian (dot, not feather) family sitting across from us. She was glaring at them. She kept saying something about how bad they smelled. Loud enough for them to hear of course. I don't know how the heck she could tell if they smelled bad or not. They weren't that close to us. She then asked me if I knew them. I said no. She wanted to know why I would wave at their little boy (a little over a year old) when he waved to me. Umm, because the kid was cute.

Judgmental lady proceeded to make fun of the nearly everyone in the waiting room. She even told me that if I would just stop eating fast food that I would lose weight. Thanks for the tip lady. I didn't feel the need to tell her I was pregnant. Who knows what advice she'd have for that.

I'm really glad I get to go back on Friday!

1 comment:

A's Mom said...

Sounds like Judgemental Lady had her own set or problem... like a psycho. You really need to get insurance.