Friday, June 5, 2009

Well, I was wrong

Last night we got a call from Itchy's parents!!!

I was very surprised to say the least. Maybe they read the blog? Who knows, but it actually went very well.

First of all, the best news was that Itchy's mom is free of cancer!!! She went from stage 4 cancer (in March) to cancer free! She still has some chemo to get through and more testing that needs to be done, but as of right now, she is cancer free. That was the best news we could have ever expected. It is a huge relief for everyone.

She also asked about Stowaway. She talked to Itchy a bit and than he gave the phone to me. I wasn't thrilled with that, mostly because it's awkward talking to her (and you know, because she hates me), but I talked to her. She asked how I was feeling, when my next appointment is, if I felt kicking, etc. She seemed excited and happy to find out that we were going to find out Stowaway's gender (maybe because I told her that Itchy is getting his way- he wants to know and I don't). She also invited me to stay in their house, with them, before and after the baby is born. Her plan is that I could go stay with them prior to the birth, give birth there, and than stay with them for the first month or so. She first brought this up to Itchy. He basically said no way in hell. When she brought it up to me, I thanked her for the generous offer and than told her that it would break Itchy's heart if he wasn't going to be able to be there for the birth. There is no way that he'd be okay with me running off to have the baby somewhere else and then staying away from him for a month. I told her that he wants to be as hands on as he can be, even if that means he gets to hold the baby for an hour everyday.

I did invite her out here though. I told her that I'd love to have them come out here once the baby is born so that they can meet their grandbaby. As much as it stresses me out to think about having them here, I really do want them to be involved. Especially since they reacted so well to everything that's be thrown to them. I know they don't like me, but as long as they are nice to my face I really don't care. We can all just play nice. It'll make Itchy happy to have his parents around.

Itchy's mom seems genuinely excited about the baby. Itchy's dad, well, I don't think he's all that thrilled. I think he may be a little worried that Stowaway is a girl. Itchy's mom is going to go nuts if it's a girl. Spoiled won't even begin to describe it.

So I was very wrong about the situation. I'm glad about that. This is how it should be.


A's Mom said...

I take it the family has only grandsons. Just go with the flow... that's all you can do. Happy to hear that the parents are coming around.

Lori said...

Not exactly. Itchy's oldest brother has two step daughters and a son. Itchy's parents do not acknowledge the girls at all. Spoil the grandson rotten, but will not accept the girls as part of their family. I'm not even sure that they have met them.

Still, it's a good thing they are coming around.