Friday, June 19, 2009

Study Guide

Now that the date has been set for the ultrasound, I thought I'd put together a study guide of sorts for you. Not sure why the other poll disappeared, but I had to make a new one. So if you voted already, that vote will not count. Sorry.

I looked up the Old Wives Tales that are suppose to predict gender. Most of these sound pretty silly to me. Since the gender options are rather limited, the odds of these being right are pretty good.

Here are some of the OWTs:

1. If the hair on your legs is not growing any faster during your pregnancy, it's a girl
My hair does seem to be growing faster (boy)
2. Boys are carried low, and girls are carried high
I'm carrying Stowaway in my uterus, is that high or low? (?)
3. If your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy, you are having a boy
I'm hot all of the time (girl)
4. If you had morning sickness early in pregnancy you're having a girl
I had morning sickness (girl)
5. If a needle on a thread held over you belly moves from side-to-side, it will be a girl -- if it moves in circles, a boy
The needle does not move. At all. (?)
6. If you are craving sweets, it is a girl -- craving salty, it's a boy
What does sour mean? (?)
7. If your baby's heart rate is below 150 beats per minute, it's a boy -- above 150, it's a girl
156 bpm (I'd say this is pretty borderline, but we'll go with girl)
8. If you are having headaches during pregnancy, it's a boy
Headaches nearly everyday (boy)

So of those 8, 2 say boy, 3 say girl, and 3 are inconclusive. Now supposedly the Chinese are able to predict gender based on the month the baby was conceived and the mother's age. The Chinese chart says boy. The Mayan's predict the gender based on the mother's age and the year of conception. If the age and the year are both even, it's a girl. Well, I'm 28 and it's 2009 so I guess the Mayan's would say boy.

As far as my intuition, it's broken. It fluctuates all the time. Itchy thinks it's a boy.

So given all of that, go ahead and vote in the poll.

1 comment:

A's Mom said...

You are too funny! I put my vote in for a boy, only because you started to feel Stowaway early (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). As for not being able to find out at the ultrasound... you'll find out. The kid will be big enough along so trust me. It will be obvious.