Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whiny whining

Oh for Pete's sake. It's been quite the evening around here.

First, I was going to run downstairs really quick to grab something for Stowa. As I turned on the lights in the stairway I see something move. At first I thought it was a cockroach. Gross. But then it climbed out from behind the shoes and it was obviously a rodent. I'm 99% sure it was a vole.

Rodents are gross. I don't want them in my house. They belong outside. I opened the door and encouraged the little fucker to leave. It wouldn't. I made Itchy come deal with it since I needed to get Stowa a snack. He got it outside.

However, now my ears are extra sensitive and I keep hearing stuff. Obviously it's voles invading the house. They are probably going to crawl all over us while we sleep. *Shudder*

A little while later, Stowa was freaking out in the hallway. Absolutely freaking out. I got up to find out what her deal was. I walk over to see her with her back to the wall and Patches sitting in front of her. My first thought was that Patches hissed at her. Wrong. Totally wrong. Patches had swatted down a yellow jacket. Have I mentioned that Stowa is insanely afraid of bees/flying buzzing insects? She is. Just like her daddy.

So she's standing there freaking out because she sees the yellow jacket. Patches is standing there all proud of her "kill". I went to grab a baby wipe (it was closer to grab that than a paper towel) to throw over it before I tried to pick it up to dispose of it. Only problem is that it wasn't dead. Just alive enough to sting me as I picked it up. Holy freaking cow does that hurt. My thumb hurts and is swollen. Good news is that it doesn't appear to have stung Stowa or Patches. I beat the crap out of it with a book after that.

Now Itchy is worried that they live in the attic since it was on the floor right below the attic door. I'm calling an exterminator if I see even one more.

So dear wildlife, stay the hell OUT of my house. You come in, you die.

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