Monday, August 10, 2009

I went to the zoo

Yesterday, in between visits to buy Itchy a phone, we went to the zoo. Not the good zoo in Capital City, just the little zoo in town.

The good stuff: it was free.

The bad stuff: Everything else

They have a Bald Eagle exhibit. But you can't see the Bald Eagle unless you happen to be over 7 feet tall and can see over the fence. The Prairie Dog exhibit was completely empty. The Turkey Vulture and Barn Owl had to share a very small enclosure. Sure you could at least see them, but that enclosure was way too small. They had a pony, some miniature goats, chickens, and a llama in the petting zoo. There were also gibbons and spider monkeys. The butterfly garden appeared to have at least a few butterflies in it, but I didn't actually go in it.

And that was it. At least we didn't have to pay to get in.

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