Friday, May 29, 2009


I feel like my life is on a new path. When I started this blog I was living on The Island. My plan was to make (and then sell) seashell necklaces and to train monkeys (to make and then sell necklaces). I figured I'd share a few funny stories along the way. It was also a way for family and friends to hear about life on The Island.

However, I am no longer on The Island. There are no wild monkeys to train and it's a heck of a lot harder to find seashells in the Midwest. Not to mention that the bubble Itchy and I lived in burst. Life just feels different. The stress of living oh so far away, keeping secrets, etc may be gone but new stresses have already moved in (that's life).

I'm not sure what direction the blog is going to go. Let's face it though. I'm pregnant. There will be a kid around here soon. While I'm not completely mushy (or even kind of mushy) about being pregnant, I am excited to meet Stowaway*. The blog will probably become stories about Stowaway. A baby book of sorts. We'll see if Itchy will allow pics of Stowaway to be posted. Not likely though.

So in honor of the changes that are bound to happen, here's a fun story. Itchy told his parents (well, his dad) about Stowaway. I really think Itchy was hoping for a normal excited grandparent type response. That is not what he got. Instead he was asked what he was going to do about it, how are we going to pay for it, etc. Not a single congratulations in sight. I get that it's not exactly great news to them and they are dealing with a lot right now, but be happy for your kid.

The way I see it is that they can either be happy for us and be excited or they can sit there and pout and miss out on everything. Again. They missed so much of their first grandkid's life and they seem remorseful about that. Why would they choose to do that again? I know his mom may not have much time left, so you'd think that she want to make the most of it. Be involved. Ask about appointments, due dates, etc.

They were suppose to call last night. They didn't. Which probably means that Itchy's dad told his mom and it didn't go over well. Good times. It really pisses me off that they can't just be emotionally supportive of their kid. Even if they aren't truly excited, fake it. Your kid is happy about this. Be happy that he's happy. In the end, it's amazing that they've paid for Itchy's education. It really is. Education is very important and they made it a priority. Good for them. But money and education are not everything. They don't really know any of their kids. Seriously. Itchy doesn't tell them anything. He only told them about Stowaway because he thought they might be excited and because, well, it's a huge life changing event for him/us.

*Stowaway is the nickname I've given to the baby. It's gender neutral. It allows me to call it something other than baby which is nice since we won't be sharing names until after the baby arrives. Not to mention that this kid is a stowaway by definition. It hid in my uterus and got a free ride off of The Island and into the US. Ahh, it's already smart enough to know that building a raft out of tires doesn't work!


A's Mom said...

"Stowaway" is cute. Mine was "our little souvenir since LMA was conceived on our cruise, then we went to Disney.

Some parents are just different. Hubby's mother is still out there somewhere but just disappeared off the face of the earth when he was in Bosnia in 1998. She's missed out on so, so much of his life. How does a mother do that?

Lori said...

Why do some parents behave that way? I can't believe that they'd willing miss out on so much.

Itchy's brother put it best though: Only in our family would good news (Stowaway) be considered bad news.

Grandparents are suppose to be excited. They just make me sad.