Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We all know that I need to be packing. I know it, really I do. My denial just isn't going to get this task done. So yesterday, I took a huge leap and made a dent in the packing.

That's right folks, I bought packing tape.

One whole roll of packing tape. It even has a little cutter thing on it so when I actually start putting things into the box (that's right, I only have the one box so far), I can pack the scissors. I don't think that they are that high on the list of things I need to pack, but it makes me feel better knowing that I could pack them.

In other lack of news, we still don't have a start date. It's annoying. Itchy needs to know if he needs to start looking for an externship. I need to know so I can secure a place to live. I don't want to be homeless. Itchy already told me that I'm going to have to get use to wall sitting since we won't have any furniture. It's bad enough that we won't have furniture, but it's going to be hard to wall sit with NO walls. But it's true. We really don't have anything. I should show you the list of things I think we need. It's enough to make anyone cry. Would it be wrong to get married just for the gifts? I mean, we're planning on getting married anyway. It'd just be bumped up a year or so. But hell, we can't afford the things we need, how would we pay for a wedding?

Where was I? Oh yeah. We'll have next to nothing. We're hoping Itchy's parents are feeling generous and will give him a bed, his desk, and maybe a couch. I've been browsing online looking for sales on things we need (plates, silverware, a vaccuum for all the cat hair) and found a few things. The only definite is the new cat tree. That was fun to pick out. I think they'll like it.

I may have found an apartment too. I just got the pictures today. It sounds great. My favorite things are the staircase and the cat level windows! Yep, it has cat level windows. My babies will have great big windows that are darn near floor to ceiling! Oh and the place sounds like it is owned by Taylor Doose (a guy from one of my favorite shows, Gilmore Girls). I think we'd be happy there.

1 comment:

A's Mom said...

Getting married just for the gifts... that's what everyone does!!