Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Cuddles

I so remembered it this year! I do believe it's the first year I've remembered his birthday. I suck. He's been particularly attached to me lately, I think he may have been trying to remind me. I'm pretty sure Itchy forgot. He's been preoccupied with school, understandably, and I'm not sure he would even remember his own birthday right now. We'll give him the guilt trip later.

He'll get some strawberry ice cream tonight. It's one of the only things he actually enjoys. He begs for it. Nerd cat.

He is a whopping 6 years old now. He's an old man. Next year, he'll be considered a senior pet. Itchy and I are both seeing the signs of him aging. He's a blue gray cat. His face is definitely looking more silver these days. His behavior hasn't changed much. He's more of a lap cat than ever before though. He's still very fast and very agile (when he wants to be) but he still loves a good nap.

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