Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Bug's Life

No, not the movie. The bugs that are trying to live in my house. In the last week or so we've seen a noticeable increase in bug traffic.

We live in the tropics so it's understood that we will have an occasional bug. Usually a large bug. Doesn't mean that I like it, but I get it. We've been pretty lucky, as we haven't had THAT many bugs. Rumor has it that some apartments get centipedes on a very regular basis.

However, we've definitely seen an increase in bugs. I'm not talking flies here people. Cockroaches. Centipedes. Ants. Disgusting.

The centipedes are the hardest to kill. They drink Raid like it's a fine wine. They bench press the heavy books we throw on them. Only a combo of Raid, Miller's Anatomy of the Dog (a nearly 7 lb book), a good beating with a heavy shoe, and sometimes a special slashing with a dedicated centipede knife will kill the bastards. Did I mention that they bite? They also run at you. Most sane bugs run away from you. Not these crazy fucks, they run right at you.

The one that Cuddles alerted us to the other night was probably only 7 inches long. Once I realized what he was looking at I flew over there to 1.)get him away from it and 2.) kill it. I have no mercy for them. If they are in my house, looking at my cat, and touching my stuff, well then they are going to die. They want to live, then stay outside.

Just about an hour ago, Itchy was caught off guard by a cockroach. He screamed like a little girl. I went in to his cave to kill it with Raid but it had gone under the bed. Patches, being the champion bug hunter that she is, ran after it. I don't like to spray POISON by my cats so I grabbed her and got her out of the way. Itchy moved the dresser and then Patches ran under the bed again. She forced it out from under there. Once it was out in the open it was easy to kill.

Those are just 2 of the bugs we've had recently. I'm tired of them. They creep me out. What if they are climbing on me when I sleep? I jokingly told people that I was going to live in a huge bubble while we were down here. Now I wonder if it would be possible. Maybe just for around the bed. At least I'd be protected while I sleep. Hmm, something like this might work.

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