Thursday, June 19, 2008

100 Things About Me

So in my last post I mentioned that it is tradition in the blogosphere to do a "100 Things About Me" post when you reach your 100th post. It's a right of passage that I feel obligated to participate in. Not sure why. Maybe because they are usually fun to read. So in no particular order here are 100 things you may or may not have known.

  1. I am almost 30
  2. That scares the crap out of me, but I'm not sure why
  3. I don't feel like I'm almost 30
  4. I've been dating Itchy for 5 years
  5. We were friends/coworkers for 2 years prior to our first date
  6. I was his boss when we started dating
  7. We are now the proud parents of 2 cats
  8. I live on a Caribbean island
  9. It's not what I expected, but if I had the opportunity to do it again, I would
  10. I hope that some day I will get to travel
  11. I love the smell of coffee
  12. But I think it tastes awful
  13. I was very addicted to Mountain Dew, but I quit cold turkey on December 29th 2004
  14. I quit after hearing an addiction meeting on the radio (call-in show, they had much more serious addictions, like cocaine and meth). I freaked out that I could identify with so many of them (planning my day around it, did I have enough for the next day or should I get more tonight, etc)
  15. I love chocolate
  16. But I don't like chocolate frosting or chocolate cake
  17. I love to read, doesn't matter what, I just crave reading (which explains my love of the internet)
  18. I worry too much (it runs in the family, thanks Mom)
  19. It doesn't take much to annoy me, but it takes a whole hell of a lot to actually make me angry. Once you've made me angry, good luck getting back on my good side. I don't forget the things that make me angry.
  20. I like dogs but I do not want one of my own. Yet.
  21. I do not like puppy breath
  22. I have framed pictures of my cats hanging on my living room walls
  23. I also have a paw imprint of each cat framed and hanging on the wall
  24. Someday I want to foster momma cats and their kittens
  25. I love The Simpsons, Homer still cracks me up even after all these years
  26. I watch too much tv (The Office, Gilmore Girls reruns, My Boys, etc)
  27. I have nearly every line from "Tommy Boy" memorized
  28. I don't wear makeup. Ever.
  29. "Doing my hair" consists of pulling it into a ponytail
  30. My favorite shoes are flip flops
  31. But I prefer to be barefoot
  32. Favorite color is blue (almost always has been, went through a brief yellow phase though)
  33. Autumn is my favorite season (the colors, the brisk clean air, the apples)
  34. I'm a bit of a germaphobe, the thought of sharing a glass with someone grosses me out
  35. I check my email at least 5 times a day
  36. I love sleeping in and I am really good at it
  37. I'm afraid of koalas
  38. And snakes in cages
  39. I never really had a nickname as a kid, Itchy has remedied that and rarely calls me by my given name
  40. I love the idea of having fresh flowers in my house
  41. But since the cats would just eat them or knock them over, I won't buy them
  42. I love a good bargain. Sometimes I want to buy things just because I can get a good deal. It's a sickness, I need medication.
  43. My dream car is pretty boring (Lexus ES in Black Sapphire Pearl with a black interior)
  44. My first car was a white Malibu
  45. Oddly, my first rental car was also a white Malibu
  46. I like the idea of bubble baths, but I find baths to be kind of gross. I prefer showers.
  47. I'm very sensitive to the chlorine in pools and often get really, really sick just from being near a pool
  48. I am nearly blind without glasses/contacts
  49. I need a fan/air conditioner running for me to sleep (totally Itchy's fault)
  50. I must have at least one blanket, not just a sheet, on me when I sleep
  51. I can NOT have the sheets/blankets tucked in at the foot of the bed
  52. The starting of every sentence with "I" is bugging me
  53. I played the clarinet in elementary/middle school, but I always wanted to play the drums
  54. I have no ear for other languages, can't really understand people that speak with a heavy accent, and despite years of Spanish class, I speak no Spanish
  55. You know those surveys that pop up on some websites, I take them every single time they pop up for me
  56. I also enter myself in numerous online contests, but never win
  57. Which explains why I also saved the "Turkey Points" from every package of Jeannie O Turkey that Itchy and I bought (we received a t-shirt, beach blanket, Frisbee, and cookbook)
  58. I am the baby of the family
  59. The typical profile for the botf (lazy, absent minded, self centered, etc) doesn't really fit me
  60. I had braces for 4 years
  61. Thanks to my wisdom teeth, my teeth are no longer straight
  62. Speaking of wisdom teeth, all 4 of mine are impacted
  63. I performed in a talent show as a child, I did a magic show (it did not go well)
  64. Unless countless hours of babysitting counts, my first job was in a soil testing lab
  65. My sister got me that job (easiest job ever)
  66. Although stupid people annoy me, I find them amusing
  67. Speaking of the stupid, I once corrected 2 fellow college students that sign language was not, in fact, used by the blind. I still find this story hilarious.
  68. I have very little tolerance for inconsiderate people
  69. I feared being called on in class (even if I knew the answer)
  70. My eyes change color (ranging from gray, bright blue, and green)
  71. I like to go fishing and am perfectly content to catch nothing
  72. I do not like to eat fish
  73. I do eat and enjoy other seafood (mmm, lobster)
  74. I'd like to have children soon
  75. Even though Itchy has not proposed, we have theoretically chosen the date
  76. I also have a potential location, color, and flower picked out
  77. But I wouldn't mind eloping in Vegas (big, fancy weddings aren't my thing)
  78. While in Vegas, I want to see Wayne Newton (he's an icon!)
  79. I have big feet (size 11)
  80. I trip over them constantly
  81. I've never had a manicure or pedicure
  82. My ears and my nose are pierced (ears hurt way more)
  83. I often think about piercing my tongue but chicken out and now I feel too old to do it
  84. I once drew a picture of a stick person, next to a lake, with a giant smiley faced sun as an answer on a final. In college. They did not give me credit. I can not blame them. It looked a little like this:

  85. Favorite food has always been, currently is, and shall always be pizza (toppings may change, but I love me some pizza)
  86. I have tried sushi, I wanted to like it, but I just don't
  87. I'm all too aware that many of these things are about food, it's no wonder I am overweight
  88. I once dropped my mom's (was her grandma's) kitchen aid mixer on my foot. It sliced my big toe and I still have a scar (the mixer was fine though it lived for many more years). I didn't tell my mom that it happened even though it probably should have had stitches.
  89. I don't put ketchup on my burger, I put it on the plate and then dip my burger into it
  90. I was accused of breaking my arm, on purpose, to get out of playing volleyball by my gym teacher (I didn't, I was pushed)
  91. I've seen a dolphin give birth
  92. I've bottled-fed at least 15 different animal species (moose, red panda, pronghorn, rabbit, hare, red squirrel, gray squirrel, raccoon, white tail deer, beaver, dog, cat, gray fox, red fox, opossum, mice, etc)
  93. The last concert I went to was Modest Mouse (Camper Van Beethoven opened for them)
  94. What now? was a phrase I often used. Not in the harsh, what do you want now kind of way, but in the sorry, I wasn't paying attention, what did you say just now variety. I like to pretend that I am a better listener now.
  95. I've yelled at a complete stranger
  96. But I try to be polite and kind (karma and all that)
  97. The first real musical (you know, not a high school production) I went to was Rent
  98. I was born in the year of the Monkey, which is odd because I collected them (stuffed, figurines, etc) as a child/teen. I had hundreds of them. I gave almost all of them away.
  99. I wanted to be Jane Goodall/Diane Fosey
  100. I don't really know what I want to be now
I struggled with parts of this list. You can probably see that. Once I was nearing the end, I thought of at least a dozen things that I should add. I didn't add them. It would have ruined the integrity of the list. The things listed are in the order in which I thought of them.

ETA: The combo of #1 and #100 scare me more than a little.

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