Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Kid's nickname

Stowa and New Kid just doesn't sound right. As someone pointed out, Stowa #2 isn't right either. This baby needs a cool nickname.

Stowa's full nickname is Stowaway. We found out about her just before leaving The Island. She was a surprise. I jokingly announced that pregnancy by telling people that we had bought a Stowaway back with us. Easy.

This baby? We told our immediate families with a T-shirt. I sent pictures to my family and in that stack of pictures there was one picture of Stowa wearing a "I'm the big sister" shirt. We went to visit Itchy's family and had her wear the shirt when we had everyone together. My family got it right away. Itchy's brother read the shirt out loud and didn't get it. His dad didn't get it either. But his dad has this annoying habit of calling the cousins brother and sister. My sister-in-laws both got it right away though.

Unless I want to call the baby t-shirt I can't really use that announcement story for a nickname.

Give me some suggestions!


Unknown said...

How about defibrillator?

Lori said...

Not funny Cortney, not funny.