Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is it a sister or brother?

We'll find out soon enough. The "big" ultrasound is coming up soon.

When I was about to find out with Stowa I did a post about my symptoms and stuff so people could guess. Here are the Old Wive's Tales that I found with Stowa. I'll go ahead and use the same ones this time so we have something to compare to. My answers for Stowa are in purple. My answers for New Kid are in green.

Here are some of the OWTs:

1. If the hair on your legs is not growing any faster during your pregnancy, it's a girl
My hair does seem to be growing faster (boy)
Hmm, my hair doesn't seem to be growing any faster (girl)
2. Boys are carried low, and girls are carried high
I'm carrying Stowaway in my uterus, is that high or low? (?)
Sorry, I still don't get this. I can't tell if I carry high or low. I just look fat. (?)
3. If your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy, you are having a boy
I'm hot all of the time (girl)
I'm cold (boy)
4. If you had morning sickness early in pregnancy you're having a girl
I had morning sickness (girl)
I had terrible morning sickness but it started late (boy)
5. If a needle on a thread held over you belly moves from side-to-side, it will be a girl -- if it moves in circles, a boy
The needle does not move. At all. (?)
I must be doing this wrong. It still doesn't move. (?)
6. If you are craving sweets, it is a girl -- craving salty, it's a boy
What does sour mean? (?)
I'd have to say that I lean towards salty right now (boy)
7. If your baby's heart rate is below 150 beats per minute, it's a boy -- above 150, it's a girl
156 bpm (I'd say this is pretty borderline, but we'll go with girl)
160 bpm (girl)
8. If you are having headaches during pregnancy, it's a boy
Headaches nearly everyday (boy)
Only the occasional headache, not sure it's a pregnancy thing (girl)

So the results for Stowa were 2 votes for boy, 3 for girl, and 3 undecided. Results for New Kid are 3 boy, 3 girl, and 2 undecided.

Itchy thinks it's a girl. He had a dream very early on and New Kid was just a miniature version of Stowa.

With Stowa I initially thought boy, but after a while I thought girl. I thought my intuition was broken. Deep down, I really believed she was a girl. Could just have been wishful thinking because we had girl name but no boy name.

As for me, I would guess girl. This pregnancy has been very similar to my pregnancy with Stowa.

My side of the family is hoping for a boy. We've got nothing but girls on my side. My parents had three girls. Both of my sisters have had girls. Stowa is a girl.

Itchy's side of the family hasn't voiced an opinion as far as I know. However, we don't talk to them much. Itchy's side is full of boys. His parents had three boys. Both of his brothers have a son (his oldest brother has two step daughters as well). I know FIL wants this to be a boy. In his opinion, boys are better. He was disappointed that our first born wasn't a boy.

So what do you think?


Anonymous said...


Becs said...


Anonymous said...

Stowa needs a sister!

Stara said...


Anonymous said...

It will mess up having pictures of all of us girls if this kid is a boy !

Lori said...

No biggie, if it's a boy we just won't have him in the pictures.

Anonymous said...
