Sunday, January 3, 2010

Aunties, Cousins, and a Grandma

First of all we made it to Itchy's parents house on Wednesday. The drive was sucky. The light dusting of snow was practically a blizzard. We saw a lot of cars in the ditch. However, the cats and the baby behaved better than we could have imagined. The cats weren't begging to get out of their kennels. We let them out at every stop and they were ok with being back in the kennels when we needed to get moving again. Stowa kicked ass at this road trip. We left right after she ate and then she slept. We stopped every 3 hours to feed her and she slept in between. There was very little crying.

Second, it's freaking cold here. Really cold. Do Not Like.

Third, Itchy's dad (we'll call him FIL- Father In Law) is already driving me crazy.

Fourth, and most importantly, Stowa got to meet her Grandma, her Aunties, and her cousins this weekend. It was awesome. Not surprisingly, Grandma is totally in love with her. Those Aunties seemed to like her a lot as well. So did the cousins.

They got here on Friday. We meet up with them and hung out. Then for dinner we went to TGI Fridays, which was funny because that is where I told my sisters that I was pregnant way back in April. It was fitting that we went there for Stowa's first restaurant experience.

On Saturday we hung out and played games at the hotel. Then we took the kids to the Science Museum. Obviously it was Stowa's first trip there. But definitely won't be her last. Her nerdy parents have way too much fun there. Grandma bought all the kids a shirt and we got some cute pics of all the kids together in their new shirts.

It was really fun to have them here. I've been missing my nieces like crazy, so it was great to see them. Of course, it was great to introduce Stowa to my mom and sisters too. It meant a lot to me that they all came down to see her.

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