Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's talk about moving

Moving. No one likes it. Sure going to a new place is fun, but getting there isn't. It's a giant headache for all involved. The purging, the packing, the moving of the boxes, the unpacking, more purging, etc. Not so much fun. Not to mention that you need to find a new place to move all your stuff to.

The fact that Itchy and I will be moving again in a few months has not escaped my attention. Once again, we don't know where we'll be moving but we know that we can't stay here. This time we'll be moving with a baby in tow. That makes things a bit more...exciting? No, that's not the right word. Hectic? Fun? No, I believe hellish is a more correct term. Babies have lots of stuff and they demand attention. And supervision. It's going to make the process take a lot longer.

When and where we move is going to depend on Itchy's ability to get a job. The three situations that come to mind are that:
  1. Itchy finds a job and they let him start a couple of weeks after graduation
  2. Itchy finds a job and they demand that he start immediately after graduation
  3. Itchy finds no job and we are forced to live with FIL
Ideally we end up with situation number 1. I can deal with number 2. It means I'll be doing all the moving by myself (well, not entirely as my mom has offered to come and help out). Number 3 makes me cry. Literally cry. And want to run away. With the baby and the cats. Itchy can fend for himself.

FIL thinks that he is going to come here and help us move. I'm not sure what exactly he thinks he is going to help with. He won't come in our apartment because the cats trigger his fake allergies. I guess he could sit in the moving truck and watch? He could cheer us on as we carry box after box down the stairs. Not exactly helpful, but how else can he help if he won't come in the apartment?

I know exactly how he WANTS to help. He wants to come here, take the baby to the hotel, and let us pack/load up trucks/clean/etc. Won't it be sooo much easier to get this stuff done without having to look after the baby?

Nope. It won't be easier. I'll be having panic attacks. We won't get any packing done because I'll be freaking out about my kid. There is no way in hell that I am going to let that scenario happen. I don't trust FIL. He makes poor decisions. If that is how he wants to help, then he can just stay home.


A's Mom said...

You can always place the boxes just outside the apartment door and he can carry them down the steps. That would be helpful. :)

Lori said...

But the boxes might have cat hair on them! He really is that obsessive about it. A real allergy and I'd be understanding, but his fake allergy? Yeah, he can just stay home.