Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The now

After 5 years of dating, it'll be 6 in May, we still haven't told Itchy's parents. Yep, we're deceptive. Whatever. If his parents are going to disown him because I'm not Indian/Muslim/rich/whatever than they kind of had it coming. If you won't let your grown son choose what makes him happy, than you probably aren't going to really know your son and he's probably not going to be honest with you.

However, we are preparing to tell them. It'll have to happen some day. Itchy's got these hesitations about getting married and having kids without telling his parents. We've got various ideas on how this could go. All of them will occur after Itchy graduates.

Option 1: Tell them the whole truth. At which point, Itchy will be disowned.

Option 2: After the actual graduation, get Itchy's parents to take him out to eat to celebrate. I'll be in the Arby's or Applebee's (they love those 2 restaurants so it'll be easy to get them there). Itchy will pretend to choke. I will jump up and save his life. We pretend that this is out first meeting. Fate brought us together. We fall madly in love. There is also a variation that involves Itchy being nearly hit by a car and me pushing him out of the way, thus saving his life. Same theme, different details.

Option 3: Have Itchy's brothers, their wives, and their kids go over to his parent's house for a family dinner. Itchy and I will walk in like it's no big deal. His brothers and their wives will all say "hi Itchy and Lori" because they will be in on this. His parents will freak out asking who the heck I am. Itchy will become irate at them for forgetting the girl he is going to marry. How could they not remember me, they have met me several times. Then he will ask them why THEY invited us over if THEY didn't even know who I was. Itchy's brothers will chime in and agree that it is appalling that they would treat me this way. We will then storm out. His parents will feel so badly about it that they will just pretend that they knew about me all along.

Which option would you choose? None of them are ideal but we have to choose something.

Knowing that our time on The Island is coming to an end means that the time to tell Itchy's parents is coming quickly. We're trying to sort out the details of our upcoming move. We both want to go visit friends and family before we go to the new school in a new town. So if Itchy is in Town A with his parents, and I am in Town C with my family, how are we both going to get to Town D? We will need to drive there (road trip!!) but what if Itchy's parents want to go with him to help him get settled? What if they decide not to give him his car? I don't have a car so Itchy will have to pick me up (or he has to drive alone and I will fly but than what about my stuff?) and than drive to the new school. What about all of our stuff? We need to get it out of his parent's house before they find out about me, because otherwise we'll never see it again.

Yeah, it's stressful. Yeah, I'll be blogging about it. I try not to think about it too much. It's too hard to think about it with all the variables. Once we know what some of the details are, we can actually make plans. Besides everything always works out for Itchy. Right?

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