Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Yeah, the time has come for Itchy to choose his top three. I'm freaking out a little. He wants a school that I do NOT want. I feel horribly guilty. But I can not live there. Not like that again. And because of Itchy's less than stellar grades last semester, one of our choices may not be a real option anymore. This narrows things down considerably.

I really don't like to think about it. At all. I get all stressed out when thinking about it. Then I convince myself that we really don't have any say in it anyway. Which is somehow better.

The thought of packing, shipping our stuff, selling what we don't ship, etc is completely overwhelming. Haven't even started yet. I'm going to email a couple people by the end of the week and find out where to get decent sized boxes. So that I can start packing and shipping the non-essentials.

I'm glad we're finally leaving, but moving sucks.

1 comment:

A's Mom said...

Looks like that will make two of us moving somewhere this year. No, we still don't know when or where right now, but it will definitely happen.

Happy Belated Birthday, Christmas, and New year!