Friday, June 7, 2013

Where were we?

Ah yes, we saw them at the restaurant. We were once again hopeful that the house would be done and ready to go. Not so much.

We talked to our realtor, who then talked to their realtor, and they said it would be done June 3rd. So we waited some more.

On June 4th, we went to take a look. We left feeling angry and disappointed. Their updates suck. They forgot all about keeping it neutral and went with orange paint, magenta carpet, and dusty rose countertops (not all in the same room though). Even I can tell that they work has done quickly and half assed. Except you know, it work seven weeks.

We still decided to make an offer. What can I say, we're dumb. We like the location though and the house still has the potential to be great. We got our offer together quickly and gave it to them on Wednesday. They have until the end of the day today to reply.

To be continued...

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