Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We've got a very important birthday coming up at our house. Stowa is turning 2! It's hard to believe that it's already been two years. It's been so much fun to watch her develop into this tiny little person.

Like most 2 year olds, she has some strong opinions on what she wants for her birthday.

Me: Stowa, what do you want for your birthday?
Stowa: CAKE!
Me: What kind of cake?
Stowa: Purple cake!
Me: Is there anything else you want?
Stowa: No. I want purple cake.

So there you have it, she wants purple cake.


Anonymous said...

Awww! She likes things that taste like purple just like her mommy! =)


Lori said...

It's how you can tell she's mine!

Stowa said...

What a bunch of purple lovers! I knew she was awesome!

Stowa said...

Also, I really can't believe she is 2 already. What the heck? Where did the time go?

STARA said...

So, I just realized that I wrote Stowa and not Stara. I'm smart like that. At least I was thinking of her!

Anonymous said...

I was like, WoW! Stowa is one smart 2 year old!! haha!

Lori said...

Me thinks that Stara has been drinking the purple...