Monday, May 14, 2012

The cute things they do

Little Dude: He's really close to figuring out the whole crawling business. He goes from sitting, to his belly, and then up on all fours. It won't be long until he's moving! He doesn't like solid food. Blah to all of it. He's becoming more vocal. Lots of screeching. I'm trying to get him to say Mama. He laughs nearly every time he sees Big Sister. He thinks she's awesome. He is also out growing clothes like it's his job. He is a very happy little guy. Totally an easy baby. Totally love the little guy.

Stowa: Introduces herself as Dr. Stowa Way. Adorable. She uses "baby talk" when she talks to the cats. She sings a lot. Makes up little songs about what she happens to be doing. Just like her dad. I may make up songs a lot too. She's learning to tell jokes. Knock, knock jokes in particular. If it's true that a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence, the kid is a genius. I'm teaching her to identify different birds. She's pretty good at it. She loves play doh, painting, digging in the sand box, and playing games (Uno Moo is a favorite). Two year olds are a special brand of crazy, but for every time she tests my patience, she turns around and is a sweet, kind, funny little kid that I can't get enough of.

Feeling very lucky this Mother's Day.

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