Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Poor, poor Cuddles

This is kind of a gross topic. It involves lots of vomit. Don't read it if that is going to gross you out.

Last Wednesday, Cuddles and Patches started throwing up. Patches was first. We heard a cat vomiting in the wee hours of the morning. Cuddles started in on the fun that afternoon. Lots and lots of vomit.

When Itchy got home from work he was sent back to the clinic to get drugs that would make them stop vomiting. He brought the drugs home. Within 30 minutes Patches was eating. Obviously the drug worked for her. Cuddles, on the other hand, continued to vomit.

On Thursday we gave him more drugs to stop the vomiting and something to stimulate his appetite. Neither one was all that effective.

Friday he got to go to work with Itchy. Cats not eating is a big deal. They start digesting stored fat and their livers just can't handle it. So the fat builds up in their livers and then the liver can't function and basically shuts down. No liver=dead cat. That's the gist of it anyway. Cuddles had blood work, radiographs (in case of an obstruction), and some other crap down. His liver values were high. Everything was normal. More meds were given.

He wasn't vomiting anymore but still wouldn't eat. He threw up one time on Saturday. He still would eat. Sunday he looked like crap. Poor dude didn't feel good. Additional meds were added. He still wouldn't eat. Monday was more of the same.

On Tuesday we had a cat that had not eaten in a week. We had force fed him a few times but he wasn't getting much. He had to go back to the clinic. Honestly, he should have gone back over the weekend, but we were hoping he'd freaking eat.

More bloodwork and radiographs. Normal. Everything was normal. Ultrasound showed that his pancreas was enlarged and fluid filled. It explains the puking but not the anorexia.

They had to put in a feeding tube. Poor Cuddles. I feel bad for him. We are tube feeding him 4 times a day. He gets a crap load of meds. He looks sad. Which makes me sad. I'm glad he's home but this isn't easy. Emotionally that is. It's hard when your pets are this sickly. I kind of thought we were going to lose him. Just typing that makes me all teary.

Hopefully, he won't be one of those cats that takes MONTHS to start eating on his own again.

1 comment:

Stara said...

I need updated on Cuddles!! How are we doing?